This week, we are staying in Benson, AZ at the SKP Saguaro Co-op. Only members of Escapees can stay here, and the cost is very reasonable. A week is $130, and for a first timer, it is only $80/week.
The Co-Op was started in the late 1980’s, and is a unique idea. A membership in the SKP Saguaro Co-op entitles the purchaser to a lifetime lease on a lot.

The basic price of a membership is $13,495.00. This figure is the core of the cost of a lifetime lease. The cost of any improvements made by the previous leaseholders are added to this figure. Fully developed lots can run up to $40,000 with great little casitas. there is also an annual maintenance fee of around $1,200.
When you quit, the lot goes back into the pool for another member to buy. The value does not appreciate like other properties, so you will not make money, but is a guaranteed no lose investment.
It only costs $500 to get onto the hotlist / waiting list, so we did it. As of today, we are #340. It may take a few years, but we have time.
Click here for a virtual tour that explains the history and all of the amenities (which are many).
Here is a video from the owners of our lot #172. It is owned by Chris and Cherie, A couple I follow on YouTube and have leaned a great deal to upgrade our Airstream from their RV Mobile Internet site.
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