Month: July 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Week of July 22nd

Wow. Lots done this week. The roof was completed. The front porch is mostly done as well as the back deck. The basement floor was insulated with rigid foam and the in-floor heating coils and manifold were installed. The basement floor and Patio cement were poured.

Most of the windows were installed along with the fireplace.

The septic system was competed in 1/2 of a day on Tuesday. There is a timelapse video below short with my drone. There are also pictures here.

Timelapse: Week of July 22nd
Drone Video: Friday, July 26th
Drone Timelapse: Installing Septic System

Views: 97

Week of July 15th

This week had a lot of progress. Finished framing & sheathing the roof. The roofers started. The plumbers put the in-floor plumbing in the basement floor getting ready to pour the floors next week. Front and back walls were built getting ready for windows next week. Xcel Energy ran the conduit for power.

Next week will be busy. Hope to put the basement, garage and patio floors. The septic system will go in next week. In floor heat tubing will be laid down for the basement floor. Power should get hooked up. We may even get a driveway next week.

Drone Video
Timelapse Video

Views: 86

Timelapse: Roof Trusses

Timelapse for the week of July 8th. Crane on Monday to lift all of the main roof trusses. Framed a bunch of interior details that we cannot see on the timelapse. Framed up most of the overhangs and added roof sheathing.

I changed the time-lapse to take a picture ever 10 seconds. This extends the video to about 2-1/2 minutes per day. A little longer video, but the detail is much better and smoother.

Views: 87


Spent a quiet and relaxing time at Chain-O-Lakes Campground in Eagle River, WI this past week. We took out the paddle boards, biked and simply relaxed. No computer or even iPads.

We did drive to St. Germain to visit my Grandparents who are buried at the St. Germain Cemetary. Spent a little time doing some maintenance and remembering them.

Enjoyed a nice meal at the Nutty Squirrel along with very good Brandy Old Fashions!

Views: 227

Eagle River, WI

Pam and I decided to take a few days off and go camping. We have not been in our Airstream for over 3 months. 
We brought it to the apartment to prep, stock & clean. Right after July 4th we headed out. No golf clubs. No computer. Time to relax. 
yesterday, we rode our bikes to the local damn where we met Gene. He operates one of the only damn boat lifts in the country. We watched as he hoisted a boat from the low side of the damn to the high side. Really cool. Cost: $15 – round trip. 
We are staying at Chain ‘O Lakes Resort. Heading home on Wednesday. 

Views: 55

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