Month: June 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Framing and Roof Truss Delivery

This week, the basement bearing walls were put up, the floor joists were set and the floor sheathing was laid. Most of the exterior walls were framed and some of the interior walls were framed.

The first video is a the timelapse for all 5 workdays. The new battery worked good for the camera. It lasted all week with lots of power to spare.

The second video shows the roof trusses being delivered. it was a bit exciting. The delivery truck / trailer could not get all the way to the top of the hill, and ended up getting stuck on the side hill. In the end, the guys did a great job and everything was delivered. Ready for more framing next week.

Timelapse: Framing the week of June 24th.

Views: 56

Timelapse: Backfilling

I wanted to see the progress better over time, so I purchased an ATLI 1080P Time Lapse Camera on Amazon. This little guy can shoot up to a week of video / photos. (if you take 1 photo every 30 minutes) on a single charge. I wanted more detail, so the first day, it took 1 image every minute, but that was too choppy. The second day, it took 1 image ever 30 seconds. I set it up on a schedule to only shoot from 7:30am to 6:00pm or 10-1/2 hours per day. The battery lasted just over 2 days.

I mounted it 25 feet up a tree to have a good view of the worksite and took 2 days of video.

Camera Setup with external battery.

With framing starting on Monday, I wanted to figure out a way to have it record for 5 days without having to touch it. I also wanted images every 15 seconds. So, I bought a big battery, some wire, a USB C converter and silicone rainproof putty and wired to camera directly to the new external battery. Testing looks good. If it all works to plan, I will post all the details next week.

Views: 110

Backfilling – Ready for Framing

This week saw a bunch of rain again, but after letting the walls harden for a week, we were able to backfill the foundation. Also filled and compacted the under the garage and patio floors.

We took out a clump of birch trees on the hill in front of the basement window, and were able to level a very nice area behind the house; we will actually have a nicer backyard than we originally planned.

Pam, Barry and I then installed new silt fencing along the lake side and west side to keep soil erosion under control.

Finally, Menard delivered the floor trusses, and the first batch of framing materials. Framing starts Monday Morning!!

Views: 23

Watching Cement Drying

Not a lot of progress this week; we needed to give the walls a week to harden before we can backfill. The foundation walls were waterproofed plus the drain tile & Sump pump Basin were put in.

Barry and I picked up the fiberglass window well for the escapement window and got that installed.

Weather permitting, the backfilling will begin on Monday. Should be major change to the look of things.

Finally, I added some photo folders for those interested in progress photos.

I added a “Home Build Photos” menu item at the top of the page under “Photos”

Views: 39

Basement Walls are Done!

On Friday, June 7th, the forms were pulled to expose the finished basement walls. We are so happy with how they turned out. The escapement window on the southwest corner is huge at 5 feet wide by 3 feet tall. Everything is working out fine.

We have to give the walls 1 week to dry before we can backfill the ground around the walls. We also need to put in the 4 pillar tube forms for the back deck and the front porch.

Hopefully, the floor trusses and roof trusses will be delivered on time, mid-June, so we can get started on framing the walls by the end of June.

Views: 72

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