After Austin, we left for a week in New Mexico in “Dark Sky” country. We planned to stay 3 nights at Rusty’s RV Ranch, but enjoyed the peace and quiet so much, we stayed a full week.

Rusty’s is in the high desert at 4,000 feet. On clear nights, the skies are black, and the stars are amazing. We were nestled in a valley between mountain ranges. Rusty’s has a bunch of animals they take care of including a pair of black swans, porcupines, goats and lots of birds.

This place is in the middle of nowhere (which was great). We enjoyed Sky Islands Grill & Grocery. This was our go to place for dinner. We enjoyed their chili, pizza, soup and baked goods.

We hiked the South Fork Trail #243 which is a 4.1 mile out and back hike in the mountains. Beautiful hike with lots of birds for Pam to identify.

Pam visited the Chiricahua Desert Museum where they had lots of snakes and desert gardens.

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