Trees of Mystery

On Saturday, we had a break in the rain in the afternoon. Pam and I went to the “Trees of Mystery”. From the road, this looks like your typical tourist trap; large Paul Bunyan and Babe statues out front and lots of parking. Don’t let that scare you away. This was actually a very cool place and well work the $20/person.

They have the “Redwood Canopy Trail”, which are netted canopy bridges connected together 1/2 way up the large redwoods. There are platforms around each tree.

They also have the “SkyTrail“. which is a 1/3-mile journey through the forest tree tops via a Swiss gondola. A total of 8 Gondola Cars continuously make the approximately 8-10 minute, 1570-foot trip up the mountain – giving riders not only spectacular views of magnificent redwoods. At the top, there is an observation deck where we could see the ocean.

There are lots of redwood sculptures throughout the trails and a huge gift shop.

Views: 47

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn

    Looks amazing!!!

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