Excavation Begins

This week, the build site was leveled and then excavated for the foundation work next week. Everything is proceeding nicely. On Tuesday (after Memorial Day), the foundation work should begin. We think that will take 2 weeks, and then we will start framing mid-June.

Views: 47


  1. Al Jordan

    Good job with the drone exciting to see the progress. Happy Memorial Day.

  2. Ken Rolleston ⛳️🍺

    hi Kelly , site is looking great , where the putting green going ? also the sand trap I know how you like the sand .lol
    good job Kelly hi to Pam

  3. Marge

    Thx much. Got from Jen I am still not getting. in case you can add me or tell me what to do to get again??? Thx Marge.
    Looks like things are going now! Congrats and best of luck with all❤️❤️

  4. Mike

    Kelly,the drone is great , keep it up. How is your work working out? Dad

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